Because the USSR was allied with Britain and the USA against Hitler, the Socialists have sought to portray Socialists as the good guys, and therefore the antithetical ideologies to the Nazis and Fascists (incorrectly conflated) therefore de facto the latter are labelled extreme or far right. By propagating the name Nazi, it hides the true nature of the ideology: National Socialist German Workers’ Party: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - NSDAP. Easy to see why Nazi was chosen as a contraction - not such a mouthful. But Hitler & Co never referred to themselves as ‘Nazi’ because this was a mildly derogatory word in German, particularly Bavaria, with the meaning of country bumpkin, or yokel, and was used by some Germans to ridicule Hitler and his fringe Party of stupid thugs in the beginning. However it is not Fascism. That was Mussolini’s invention, which departed from the Socialist economic model of State ownership of the means of production, which includes labour, towards a technocratic model of private ownership and free labour force, but to be conducted as directed by the State to serve the interests of the State as determined by those running the State. At the time when Communism was a real threat in Europe, this had broad appeal - something for everybody - as an antidote to the totalitarianism of Communism. The rich and business owners didn’t get their property confiscated and sent to work in the fields or factories, business owners could keep some of their profits, workers could chose their work and profit from their labours and there would be full time employment as the State would prevent competition from outside and limit it from within. This economic model appealed to Hitler who admired Mussolini, and incorporated in his basic Socialist model. Both Fascism and NS were militarist - like the Roman State, which is why both Mussolini and Hitler adopted the iconography of Ancient Rome. Hence the confusion that Nazi is synonymous with Fascist - it isn’t. Racism was not part of Mussolini’s manifesto. Conflating Nazi and Fascist, tars the latter with the same racist brush to,the point where racist and Fascist have become synonymous. Both Hitler & Mussolini were International Socialists - workers of the World unite - seeing Socialism as a universal class struggle - worker against the capitalists. But their experiences in the WWI trenches showed them that it was workers fighting other workers in their own Nation’s interests. So for both, Socialism became a struggle between Nations not classes, and for Hitler additionally a struggle between races. If we now examine so-called Western democracies, evident is the same technocratic economic model of State direction of industry, business and labour. Most recognisable in the EU, with its centralist economic approach, where tight regulation, subsidy, taxation and protectionist Customs Union meets the criteria of Germany’s and Italy’s economic model of the Fascists and National Socialists - and let’s not forget France’s Spain. The appeal to the modern era so-called Left, complete State control over business, labour, society pushing it along the pathway to equality and (subversion of the word) equity and their social model, but without the discredited old names, instead rebranding it as Progressive, is evident. Ironically WWII supposedly defeated Fascism... but it never was, just kept its head down, now emboldened, it’s back rebranded as Progressive, Saving the Planet - so it hasn’t lost its global ambitions either.

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Good article and spot on. The National Socialist Workers Party....the state owned everything. Corporate fascism allows private property but only with the support of the cult and state and directed to the cult's ends. It is not as monolithic as Communism but the end results are similar including leader worship, state ownership, censorship, militarism, a gestapo, a massive reduction in freedom etc. Every Rona, Climate-tard's wet dream. The far right is an idiotic appeallation - in reality it means either anarchy or libertarianism, neither of which is statist.

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