
Thanks - very interesting comment.

I think Johnson has used the Ukraine conflict since Feb 2022 to try and rehabilitate his reputation, and to pose as a tinpot Churchill. In the spring of last year, he was in serious political trouble over the “party-gate” episode. The conflict was a distraction that he used to try and aggrandise himself.

Likewise, Macron was deliberately photographed around that time wearing a French paratrooper hoody, as part of a pathetic imitation of Zelensky.

I think the conflict gave Western leaders a brief domestic leg-up, and the longer-term consequences were not considered fully in the groupthink of policy-making - like with the initial rush-to-failure over the covid policies.

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Spectacular piece, the logic and reasoning is compelling. Indeed, a well informed, strategic, warts and all appraisal of this entire situation, much of which should have been obvious. It shows up the many failures of west's approach to Russia and the ideological inconsistencies.

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Fathom Five

This is a fantastic, compelling and brutal writing. Well done (if that's the right word for something so bleak.). It should sit as the counterweight to the MSM argument. The themes here around Western delusion make for a great book btw.

I hold my views relatively lightly, but am interested in more of this writers' views on why we deny the truth of this war and so much else:

As I see it, the modern Western "system" is clearly in evident decline, to a greater extent than just a relative global position as new powers emerge.

Yet its still hard to explain why a prosperous civilisation - which could still evolve in positive ways - should celebrate so many values that harm it, and reject so many values that are the source of its strength (free speech, rule of law, reason, humility, duty, family, shared values etc).

In an age without the structure of religion (and weaker family bonds), where social media constantly reminds younger generations of concurrent existential threats, at the same time as their own purposelessness, many of our society is flailing about in an incompetent search for meaning and security, while feeling fearful and vulnerable.

There is little mainstream courage for truth, nor appetite for reason; only to be protected and comforted from it. So, of course Ukraine are winning.

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deletedAug 8, 2023Liked by Fathom Five
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We called Boris Johnson the 'pied piper' he was facing massive political problems at home, used Ukraine as a diversion tactic from serious ethics and other matters he was attempting to divert attention from, and he finally was kicked out of office and the UK parliament in disgrace, walked away, zero accountability.

One wonders how much of the Biden family have to lose if much of their family activities in Ukraine over the last 10 years came to light, this perhaps another reason for the Ukraine derangement syndrome.

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